Homonyms Lyrics
- Genre:Kids
- Year of Release:2004
Words that sound alike but are not spelled the same
Are a very special group and Homonyms is their name
Take their there and they're
T-H-E-I-R is the "their in their new car
Their boat their bat their house their cat (nice kitty)
Is T-H-E-I-R
T-H-E-R-E is where something can be
In there over there out there under there
That's T-H-E-R-E
And let us not forget its use as a subject
There go the boys There are the toys
There is the sea There is a bee
Are all T-H-E-R-E
T-H-E-Y-'-R-E (I don't know what you're talking about)
Is a contraction for "they are (Oh I see)
They're short they're tall they're large they're small
Well now you know that has to be T-H-E-Y-'-R-E
Oh if you look around you'll find Homonyms abound
Just remember that the way they're spelled
Won't change the way they sound
How about two too and to
T-W-O is a number don't you know?
Two cows two dogs two ducks two hogs
Is T-W-O
T-O-O Now that one means "Also"
I tripped too I laughed too I burped too (excuse me)
That's when you use T-O-O
Now I don't mean to confuse
But when it's more than you can use
Like too fast too slow too high too low
Go for T-O-O
And finally T-O it tells you where to go
To the pool to the moon to the zoo to your room
That's T-O
Words that sound alike but are not spelled the same
Are a very special group and Homonyms is their name
Words that sound alike but are not spelled the same
Are a very special group and Homonyms is their name
Ah Homonyms There're lots of them
How about "see" and "Sea?" Argh matey I see the sea
Or "pear" and "pair?" One pear is not a pair That's confusing
Or "fare"and "fair?" that fare is not fair I won't pay it!
You know there's no homonym for the word "homonym"