- Genre:Country
- Year of Release:2024
Today I pray
That all people
Someday can walk
Hand in hand
That they can live in
Peace across all
Of God's lands
Mother earth's lands
We're not designed
To last all things
On earth must pass
Today could even
Be your very last
Do you love your past
While on earth have
You done your best
Those with ears
Let them hear and
Those with eyes
Let them see
That everything on
Earth is a temporary
Thing the birds and
The bees the mountains
And the trees one
Day all of those
Things will no
Longer be on earth
There will be nothing
That will be left for
Man's eyes to see
Those with ears let them hear
Mankind is sent
To earth to love
Share and care
God is love
Love while you're there
Jesus was sent
From heaven above
Jesus is God's only son
Jesus was sent to
Earth to die for
Your sins Jesus died
So that you could
Forever be Forever be
one with God God is love
To live forever
All you must
Do is believe
Believe that God
Sent his only son
To save your soul
So that you can live
Forever on
Together forever
Forever as one
Together forever
With God and His Son
While on earth do
What Jesus taught
Mankind to do
While on earth pay
Attention to rule
Number two love
Your neighbor as
You love you
While on earth
Love love love
Love share and care
If you do God
Will be pleased and
You will be blessed
The whole world will be blessed
I said
If you do God
Will be pleased and
The whole world will be blessed
You will be blessed
While on earth do
Your best do your best
Do your best do your best
To love all of
God's guests
Love love love
Love share and care
That is why God
Sends us here
I pray for
The day when
All women and men can
Walk hand in hand
Back to heaven to
Receive back what
Ever it was on
Earth that they gave
I pray that while
You were on earth
You loved your neighbor
As you love you
Love love love
Love share and care
Remember God
Promises us all
That He will give
Us back much more
Than we ever gave
Pray pray pray
Pray that when you
Get to heaven
That God allows
You to stay