True Narrative ft. Wrath and Grace Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2024
What do the Scriptures say about the concept of Race?
Turn with me to First Peter 2:9 to set the stage
When he says "You're a chosen race" speaking to the Church
Isaiah 43:20 is the quote in Peter's words
We see the word "RACE" - it's genos in the Greek text
He's quoting from the Septuagint - yep, the LXX
Where is genos first used in the Greek Old Testament
It's found 11 times in chapter 1 of Genesis
It's used for the various kinds or species
Of sea-creatures, land-animals, birds, or seed-trees
But before His work of creation was finished
God created human beings - they're made in His image
Yet genos is not used for human beings
Contrary to Darwin there aren't different human species
The only distinction is Male and Female - in God's sight
What "kind" of creatures are humans, then? We're God-like
So, when is "Genos" used for humans in Genesis?
Not until the Tower of Babel in 11:6
Referring to humanity, the Holy One States
"Behold - they're one people" - in the LXX - they're one race
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
In the covenant of works, Adam represents us:
Life if he obeys, if he sins - death's the sentence
His sin disqualified us all from divine communion
Enemies with God and man, divided in our pride we're ruined
But God promised a Seed to provide us union
By faith in Christ, through Him we have life
Now there's two kinds of humans
The seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent
The seed of the woman through Seth - God redeems them for worship
The seed of the serpent are like their father the devil
They seek to destroy image of God - awfullest rebels
They're gathered at Babel - unified in their wickedness
Their business is to build a temple to heaven - you get the gist
An idolatrous temple for the glory of self
Like Adam before when he fell, they deserve the torments of hell
Led by Satan to build a temple-city counterfeit
So God comes down, and announces He renounces it
Confuses their language, disperses and scatters them
Into their clans, languages, and nations in chapter 10
But through Abraham's offspring they'll be gathered in
When He takes the wrath for sin on behalf of all attached to Him
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
Every person descends from Shem, Japheth or Ham
Now distinguished by their languages, nations and clans
Like Adam sinned with fruit, Noah's drunk from grapes and sinned
Ham repeats Satan sin - exposes Noah's nakedness
Like God gave a curse to Satan, God curses Canaan
But is this curse when Africans had the worst enslavement?
Actually, that interpretation is for sure mistaken:
Africans are not descendants on the earth from Canaan
The curse occurred in the Canaanite Conquest
When God said Joshua must slaughter Canaanites who were godless
And the curse ultimately fell on Christ for Canaanites
Like Ruth, Rahab, and Uriah who were saved by faith in Christ
The Living God will dwell in the tents of Shem
Hamites, Japhethites can be saved by One who descends from Him
Unlike Babel, with a tower tryna' reach the heavenlies
Yahweh's stairway from heaven comes down in Jacob's precious dream
Just as God promised Shem's son, Abraham
Through his grandson Jacob He'll bless every nation, clan
Genesis 35, He renames him Israel
Says a company of nations will come from him - it's pivotal
"Qahal" - the Hebrew word for company, or congregation
Can also be translated as a "A Church of nations" - Genesis 28:3; 35:11
Isaiah 43 - Israel's His "chosen people" - Isaiah. 43:20
His chosen race, which Peter calls the Church, Jesus' sheepfold!
By faith all who are risen with Christ
Are grafted into the (True) Vine, Jesus the True Israelite
United to Christ - His Gentile, Jewish Family
In union with the New Man, they're His New Humanity
The Son, He was slaughtered to make us One with the Father
And make us one with each other, as His sons and His daughters
The Last Adam was cursed to come gather His Church
At Pentecost the Spirit poured out - Babel's reversed
CRT creates division based on man-made distinctions
But the Bible's answer is still the Great Commission
To make disciples of Christ from all nations
Rev. 5:9 and 7:9, we see they're all praising
Both passages allude to Genesis 10 and Daniel 7
His chosen race assembled by the Son of Man of Heaven
Although from distinct nations and clans
United around the throne of the Lamb they stand as brethren
The Bible is nothing short of the Lord's glorious narrative
So if you're in Christ, this is your story - your heritage
Thus race-based guilt, God does not impute to them
They're as righteous as Christ is, who removed our sin
So your brother in Christ is a truer kin
Than those not in Christ with the same hue of skin
By the Spirit, we're already renewed within
Soon, we'll dwell with Him in His Temple-City, the New Jerusalem
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ
The True Narrative - There's One Adamic Fallen Race
His chosen Race are all His saints, called by His Sovereign Grace
There's no categories of Black or of White
Your status with God is if you're in Adam or Christ