Nation for sale Lyrics
- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2023
Vote me in he yelled and see if I will not eliminate corruption
Corruption, the fantastic vice that has brought about
The eruption of politicians across the nation
Singing the same old song practiced over and over
Rolling over their tongues with so much ease
Like the speech of a man that's sprung
Corruption the spectacular vice that throws Nigeria under the shadows of Dubai
With over $340 billion dollars from oil and nothing to show for it
Dubai was a $12billion dollar project which was started and completed in six years
Corruption, the exceptional vice that has become our national legal tender
An unspoken national code of conduct for public office holders
We speak from one side of our mouth how we hate corruption
Yet these words are thrown south
When we make unreasonable demands from our family members in public offices
Corruption can be described as the Nigerian dream
We look the other way because it is a national cake
Baked by the nation's natural resources
Dividends of corruption can be seen trickling down
Into the medical sector like the collector in pursuit of her debt
Lack of access to primary health care
Malaria scare not dissipating alagbos have become most patronised
Kidneys placed at higher risk due to the high-level intake of agbo
Young doctors fleeing the medical sector
At the first light of opportunity to pursue their japa dream
With only 24,000 doctors we are left with prayers the native doctors
I was young and now I'm old
I'm catching cold waiting out for the day we will celebrate
A week-long of Constant power supply across the nation
A situation that is causing rash so brash on the bodies of newborn
Restlessness so monstrous on our old ones
Children of light have taken flight to nations with light
While the rest of us have learned to abide in the dark
Accustoming our eyes to the darkness and our hands to lead the way
While our eyes fail us
Take education from them and you take their will to take action against corruption
Corruption like a tumor keeps growing and taking with it everything in its way
Quality of education keeps spiraling down the ladder
We try harder to keep it up the ladder
But no matter how hard we try it keeps falling
What happened to free education
A legacy set up by Awolowo is no more
The cancer called corruption keeps eating at every part of our economy
Yet we're oblivious and keep making accusations
At the dynamic nature of our ethnicity
Here is Nigeria, a nation rife with corruption, corrupt individuals and corrupt practices
Here is Nigeria a nation whose doctors have abandoned and jumped ship
Here is Nigeria, a nation in perpetual darkness
Here is Nigeria a nation with no investment in her future
Here is Nigeria, a nation placed in the market for sale to the highest bidder
Nigeria, a nation to sell or not to sell?
Here is Nigeria, a nation for sale